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the school year has just begun and that means it is time to kick in the new school year with the annual bonfire. this year it is being held by the austerlitz family and of course, since all the adults shall be off at their own little ball, the kids come out to play at the bonfire. hopefully the austerlitz children can do it better than the fire works and yacht event the montague children cooked up last year at the big event. located on the beautiful beaches of greece this year, the tickets have been sent out only to those who can actually afford the wonderful trip to the gorgeous country. if not, you are missing out. the children have their own private hotel just for their guests rented out and it is a first come first serve...with the austerlitz children given the best accommodations of course. with the hotel located right on the beach expect fireworks, mini yacht parties, lot of self indulgence, and a great view of the Mediterranean. this just may be the best bonfire santa croce has ever seen.
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